Sunday, August 16, 2009

America Wins! Democrats retreat on public option in health care reform legislation!

This appears to be a victory for America! Democrats appear to be surrendering on the public option regarding health care. A senator and Kathleen Sebelius have both said that the public option is either not essential or there are not enough votes for it. The liberal wing of the party must be fuming mad, but Republicans and Independents were against their socialistic policies from the beginning.

Here is Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius stating the about face that the White House is doing:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama Town Hall a little tougher, but Americans need to continue to question politicians on the liberal Healthcare Reform plans

President Obama held a town hall meeting today in Montana and received two good questions about funding and why he is vilifying the insurance companies. Hopefully more people will continue to question him and the truth will come out about why these reform plans and the public option is just not good for America. Thankfully, a majority of Americans are now opposed to the liberal efforts.

Fox News vs. the Obama Administration

Fox News is doing an oustanding job at exposing the White House in this healthcare reform debate. Major Garrett got Robert Gibbs to admit that there was "a list" of people's email addresses on file, which makes many people nervous. The exchange between the two men goes to show that good journalism is not dead.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama holds town hall meeting today & the debate over the health care reform bill, HR3200 continues

President Obama holds a town hall meeting today in New Hampshire on healthcare reform and the debate goes on on HR3200. This liberal bill must be defeated and the protests will continue. People simply do not want government run healthcare or want the powers of the government to grow. When will Congress and President Obama listen to us?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nancy Pelosi calls town hall protesters "un-American" and is the White House playing Big Brother?

Nancy Pelosi makes the crazy claim that the town hall protesters who are against the liberal healthcare plan are "un-American." She really needs to be kicked out of office. The White House also creates a programs where Americans play informant and report those who are against the healthcare plan and use facts contrary to what the liberals want. Can anyone say Big Brother?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sarah Palin makes some controversial comments and Democratic congressman yells at voter

Sarah Palin calls the healthcare reform bill is "evil" and will lead to "death panels." I like Sarah Palin, but this is a little bit over the line. We need to focus on criticizing the bill, but not in outrageous ways. Democratic Congressman David Scott yells at a Democratic voter who has tried to contact him at his office. Goes to show that Republicans and "crazy right wingers" are not the only people at these meetings. Time to wake up and realize Americans are pissed off at Washington. Calling them "nazis" and "unAmerican" like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did is not going to help your cause.

Here is the video of the liberal Congressman Scott. Maybe its time for him to be kicked out of office....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Town Halls Meetings Gone Wild!

The American people are finally standing up to the liberals who are destroying this country with their policies. Protests are happening at normally quaint town hall meetings and Democratic members of Congress are beginning to feel the heat from voters. Maybe they don't realize it yet, but WE DON"T WANT THIS BILL. When people elected President Obama, this was not the change that they envisioned. It is time for Congress to listen to the people, you work for us, so do your job and stop this bill!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mel Martinez Resigns, Who Will Charlie Crist Appoint to the Seat?

Shocking news with Senator Mel Martinez resigning early. I wonder who Governor Crist will appoint. I am sure he wants to appoint himself, but that would not be a smart political move. He should appoint a caretaker until he can win the seat outright. There are plently of Florida Republicans out there who can fill the position for the remaining year or so. Among the possible candidates include former Governor Bob Martinez, former Lieutenant Governor Toni Jennings, Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer, former Congressman Clay Shaw, and Florida Agricultural Commissioner Charles Bronson.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Republicans Smell Liberal Blood in the Water. Time to go in for the kill!

Republicans need to get their act together. The time is right for them to propose a comprehensive healthcare plan for the country and to counter the liberal agenda. Americans are losing faith in the Democrats and are protesting more and more frequently. They want to be heard and the Democrats are not doing that. Many people are talking about Obama's birth certificate. Drop the issue, because it will harm the cause in the long run. Focus on his policies, not his citizenship.

It has gotten to the point where the liberals have asked Americans to turn in other Americans for "fishy information" about healthcare reform. Something tells me that is anything that is contrary to what Obama is saying. Well, I hope they add me to their enemies list because I am 100% against this plan. Blood is in the water and it is time to go in and finish off the liberal agenda!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The People Have Spoken! No liberal healthcare reform!

The liberal healthcare bill needs to be voted down. The media is dismissing the people who protest and right wing nut jobs, when in fact they are from both political parties. Wake up! Americans are not happy with what is going on and are showing it. We do not want this liberal healthcare bill, so stop trying to force it on us. No means no!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bill Clinton trying to free jailed Americans in North Korea. Was their a deal with Kim Jung Il and the Obama Administration?

President Obama has decided to act (FINALLY) in a move to free the jailed reporters in North Korea. What took so long? A few interesting observations:

Hillary Clinton didn't go (she is the Secretary of State), Al Gore didn't go (he is the boss of the jailed reporters), and Bill seems to be confident he will get the women back to the U.S.

Something tells me a deal was worked out, just like Jimmy Carter's "deal" in 1994 that led to the North Koreans obtaining material to build nuclear weapons. Obama, hopefully, didn't do this; but he is not commenting on it publicly.

What a wonderful photo op this picture is for Kim Jung Il
President Clinton met Tuesday with North Korea leader Kim Jong Il

Monday, August 3, 2009

Democrats Are Feeling The Heat From The Voters

Democrats are beginning to feel the heat from the voters in their home states and districts. People are increasingly angry over the support for the liberal healthcare bill, even though a majority of people do not support the plan. It is time for Washington to start representing us and not bowing down to liberal interest groups, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. They are radical leftists and it is time to hold senators and congressmen accountable for what they do. With the American people beginning to wake up, those is Washington best start paying attention. Remember you work for us and many of you are going to be fired for not doing a good one!