Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blue Dogs buy us all some time!

The moderate Blue Dog Coaliton of Democrats bought us some time in regards to the liberal healthcare reform bill. Now the bill will not be voted on before September, which give us a month to lobby our officials and the public against it. I never thought I would ever say "Thank you" to a Democrat, but we owe the moderate ones this.

As you can see below, the Chosen One is seeing his number plummet back down to reality. America is waking up to what is going on and do not like the liberal movement towards a European socialistic state.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why won't Democrats read the Healthcare Bill?

If they are not reading it, that should outrage every American. We pay them to represent us, and that need to read bills. No Democrat will sign the pledge to read the bill, which is absurd. God only knows what they plan on putting into it. Every true American should call, write, visit, email, etc. their representatives and senators to tell them to VOTE AGAINST THIS BILL. Picket their offices, peacefully protest, write blogs, and let people know that this bill must be stopped dead.

The picture below reflects just how ridiculous, scary, and liberal the Democratic healthcare "reform" bill really is. Our country really is changing before our eyes.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Birth Certificate

President Obama is a citizen and the Birthers need to stop saying he isn't. They are hurting the conservative's credability. It is time to defeat his policies and bring his agenda to a halt. No healthcare, cap and trade, taxes, or anything else Obama has up his sleeve. Leave the birth certificate thing alone!

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Healthcare Plan for America

1) The first step is to create private health savings accounts. You would choose your own private insurance and receive money back from the government which would cover your costs. Consider it to be a way that would both protect private industry and provide healthcare for people who are struggling to pay for it.

2) Due to the existence of these accounts, anyone currently under Medicare or Medicaid would receive a private account; therefore there is no further need for those programs. Anyone currently receiving government funds for healthcare or is currently in need of healthcare is eligible for this account program.

3) If you have your own insurance already, then you can keep it or you can request your own private healthcare account.

4) The purpose of giving people the money to pay for their own insurance is important because it will protect choice, foster competition among the private companies, and eliminate the role of government from meddling in your affairs. Government is not effective at running anything, so do you really want to trust them with your healthcare? This allows you to make the decisions about what is best for you and for your family.

5) Quite possibly the biggest question is how to pay for this plan or any reform plan for that matter, so here it is.

A) Since we would no longer have a need for Medicare and Medicaid anymore, the money that is currently going to pay for that can be rerouted to the private account plan. That would provide a total amount of $511 billion a year in government money to put toward private plans.

B) States would be required to cover some of the costs as well; all of their money going to health services can be rerouted into the plan. COMBINED, the total amount that states spend on health services every year is $1.5 trillion. Take the amount each state spends and add it with the federal amount.

C) If you are employed, your employer would still be required to pay their share of your insurance; it would not increase at all. It is impossible to know much money that would generate, but it would be considerable.

6) Just in case there are loopholes in the system, and every system has them, every county in the United States should have at least one free clinic in order to care for those who fell through the loophole. This will act as a safety net for people.

7) Prescription drugs will need to be reformed and there will be encouragements for doctors to prescribe generic drugs in order to keep costs down even more. Pharmaceutical companies can compete with one another on prices, but preference will be given to generics to make sure costs do not spiral out of control.

8) Tort reform would be enacted to keep costs down and lower insurance rates for doctors. This can save millions of dollars every year.

9) Medical records should be made electronic to allow for better communication to your medical providers and cut through some more of the bureaucracy.

10) Provide educational scholarships and loan forgiveness programs to doctors and nurses for joining the medical field. With the addition of millions of new people to our healthcare system we will need more experts to treat them. This will provide financial incentives to become a medical professional and keep wait time down in the long run.

The Healthcare Battle Begins...

The battle against the liberal healthcare bill proposed by the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and President Obama is going to be underway during the entire August recess break. This is a horrible bill and it needs to be stopped by any means necessary. The Blue Dogs are holding the line against the liberals, but people need to call their representatives and senators, regardless of party, and read them the riot act if they even consider passing this bill. Special interests will be trying to influence votes, but thankfully the majority of Americans are AGAINST this bill. It will be a long rest of the summer....

Below is the drawing of how complex the new system will be.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Racial Profiling? Nope, Racial Reality

This looks at the politics of racial profiling behind the case involving Professor Henry Gates and Sgt. James Crowley who have become centerpieces of the fight after Gates alleged racism. Let me be clear, my article points out that race had nothing to do with the case and it is being used to confuse people. The chart shows that blacks and Hispanics tend to commit crimes at such a higher rates and this is being used by Gates to make a point. It is sad that they commit so much crime when they have been given preferential treatment, ie: affirmative action.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creeping Socialism

Democrats are considering another stimulus bill! This crap has got to end. Did they realize that the first one only made the situation worse? This is really creeping socialism.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Check out Al Gore's lies

The former Vice President compares the fight for Climate Change to the fight against the Nazis

This is truly disturbing. Al Gore needs to stop flying around in his private jet, polluting the Earth, and shut up.

Monday, July 6, 2009

FBI Not Investigating Sarah Palin, contrary to liberal reports!

After announcing her resignation of Friday, bloggers everywhere immediately began to speculate why Sarah Palin was leaving office. The liberal ones, who truly are among the worst people alive, concocted the rumor that she was under investigation by the FBI. The reason? Some crap about her house. Well, CNN is reporting that the story is completely false.

The story was spreading so fast that the FBI actually issued a statement, which does not happen often, denying the reports. That did not stop some liberal journalists from mentioning it, but Palin's attorney threatened to sue anyone who aired the story putting to bed before the liberal mainstream media could do any more harm to Mrs. Palin. Thankfully!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Media Loves Obama! Duh...

It is very scary that many of the mainstream media outlets are literally in love with the President. The worse appears to be MSNBC, the New York Times, Newsweek, Time, and the Washington Post. MSNBC is a liberal network and nothing said on the channel can be trusted. The New York Times runs countless favorable articles about Obama and the liberal politicans in the Democratic Party. Newsweek and Time put Obama on the cover every week, plenty of bias there, and the Washington Post was just busted for selling access to Obama officials.

I was unsure if the media was primary anti-conservative or pro-liberal. Thinking about it, I believe that they are pro-liberal. That being said, that alone makes the outlets despise what conservatives say and stand for.

Sarah Palin: A Social Movement?

I follow Glenn Beck on Twitter and he posted last night that he thinks Sarah Palin is on the brink of something great and leading an effort for change across the country. Beck, whose book Common Sense is selling tons of copies, feels that Palin can impact people more than almost any other politician. She could run for president as a Republican or even as a third party candidate. I am wondering if Glenn Beck sees Sarah Palin as the leader of his Common Sense movement that is sweeping across the country. Time will tell...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin Resigns

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin      (UPI Photo/Roger L. Wollenberg)

The Republican Party has been beset with disaster over the past few weeks. Senator John Ensign and Governor Mark Sanford revealed affairs and now Governor Palin is resigning. I sincerely hope Palin remains active in politics because there is still alot of untapped potential there. The media treated her unfairly and I hope she emerges as a leader of the GOP in the future.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Stimulus is Failing; Unemployment Rises

By all indicators, the $787 billion stimulus that the liberal members of Congress passed a few months ago has done NOTHING to help our economy. The June job reports are out and 467,000 people lost their jobs. That brings the total of unemployed to almost 15 million people. The unemployment rate stands at 9.5%, the highest rate in 26 years. Let this be a lesson to government interventionists. Forcing government will and wasting tax dollars will never work. The free market ALWAYS corrects itself. All Mr. Obama is doing is prolonging the recession.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

California, what happened to you?

California is beginning to give out IOUs to people and companies that they owe money to because they are just plain broke. The federal government is in line to seize all state parks because of lack of funding and the politicians in Sacramento don't get anything done. Democrats have refused to cut spending at all and Arnold refuses to raise taxes. Something has got to give. Just goes to show that one of the most liberal states in the country is about to go under because of their liberal policies. Let this me a lesson to the rest of the country. Our federal government under President Obama is on the verge of sliding into a financial oblivion itself. Except then, there is no one to bail us out.

Glenn Beck's Common Sense

Link to book review I wrote about "Common Sense."

Check it out.

Glenn Beck's Common Sense Awesome Country Simulator

If you want to join a really cool free, online community, click the link below. It allows you to build your own nation (choose government, tax rates, build military, fight wars) and govern it as it grows. Really interesting and allows everyone to see how different types of government works.