Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is Al Sharpton doing?

From the Drudge Report:

Apparently, the Reverend thinks he is young again. This picture was snapped during a Michael Jackson tribute. I guess this is how a liberal Democrat mourns the passing of someone, by grinding the leg of some girl. Shameful Reverend Al, Shameful!

Al Franken a Senator? Oh God

See full size image

I never thought that it would happen, but Al Franken is now a U.S. Senator. He is probably the most unqualified senator in recent memory. I don't know how the people of Minnesota elected this thing, but God help them. And God help us all, now the liberals have a filibuster proof majority. We can only hope they all don't agree on everything or else nothing will be able to stop this progressive and radical agenda that is being forced upon us all.

Does Obama Have a Problem with those who disagree with him?


The Drudge Report today connected an interesting series of dots. The site is calling it the "Obama Evil Eye." When a rival politician or journalist challenges "The Almighty One," he has a tendency to give a look, much like the one below...

The Need for the Flat Tax

One of the most pressing issues facing the United States today is our rising debt and lack of money to pay for it. I believe it is time to change our tax system to the flat tax, in order to raise the revenue stream into our government. The flat tax is one proposal that is being debated among various groups of people that would drastically change our tax system for the better. It would simplify the process, provide more money, and hold people accountable to pay their taxes. It is essentially a national sales tax, which would replace the income tax.

I am in favor of this and believe we should change to this for two fundamental reasons I feel strongly about. The first is that our debt and deficit is completely out of control. With more money going out than going in, this would help offset that and hopefully turn things around. Washington is spending our money like no tomorrow on a host of government programs and pork barrel projects. The crème de la crème will be a government run healthcare system that seems to be lurking in the corner, unless responsible leaders can stop it. By increasing revenue, this would allow more money flowing in that could theoretically go towards paying some of our bills.

The second reason I believe in the flat tax is because of equality. For far too long Washington has been overtaxing the upper class and in many respects the middle class in order to pay for welfare systems for the lower class. While many people in the lower class do work very hard, many do not. They do not have to pay income taxes and get a free ride courtesy of you and I. Well not under this plan. Every person would pay the same amount tax rate. If you buy more, you will pay more naturally, but those that don’t have to pay income taxes will now have to pay something into the system. Those who cheat the system have taken advantage of it for far too long and this is a good way for them to pay the piper. Also, all those undocumented illegal immigrants will now have to ante up. Instead of getting free public education and emergency room visits for free and being illegally in the country (hence no income tax they have to pay), will now have to pay like everyone else. This is the best way to ensure fair taxation. The wealthy will still continue to spend more money and be taxed for all that they buy, but those who skate by with a free pass will now have to pay something, which is better than nothing.

It is doubtful that this flat tax will be passed anytime soon (Democrats vehemently oppose it because they like to give out government hand outs), but I have hopes that if Republicans are ever in power that they will pursue a plan similar to this. The middle class and upper class cannot and should not be saddled with anymore of the tax burden. Our taxes pay for the free services that the illegal immigrants and the lower class use. It is time that we all pay into the system and reap what we sow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

This video shows the truth about the Cap and Trade Bill the Democrats are so desperately trying to shove down our throats. The bill is a grave threat to Americans and we will all feel it's pain if signed into law.

Obama, Taxes, and Healthcare

President Obama and our congressional representatives in Washington are embarking on an ambitious spending spree, the likes of which the United States has not ever seen before. The amounts being spent vary, but our national debt and deficit are soaring to all time highs in just a five month period. What was the change that occurred that prompted the five month spending blitz? President Obama’s swearing in and Democrats gaining larger majorities in Congress are the correct answers. Now to be fair, Republicans are not absolved by any means from criticism. For eight years under President Bush, most of them forgot the principle of fiscal discipline and spent like drunken sailors. Lately, they seem to have gotten their principles in line and have been opposing the spending spree more vocally. I am not going to focus on them, because they have found their voice again and the Democrats have more than doubled the national debt and deficit in a matter of five months, hence the sound of alarms going off.

To make matters worse, the most expensive piece of the liberal agenda is currently being developed in both houses of Congress. That legislation would be the healthcare reform we have been told about for years. Well, it is being developed with explicit instructions coming from the top not to consult with Republicans on it. A moderate Democratic congressman fromTennessee, Jim Cooper, happened to release that nice little fact to the press (so much for bipartisanship, huh?). Now that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is calling the shots, we have a lot to be worried over. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released estimates on how much the proposed plans will cost. The two plans being considered will cost either $1 trillion (Ted Kennedy’s plan) or $1.6 trillion (Max Baucus’ plan). Now, the purpose of the healthcare plan is to cover the close to 50 million people that do not have health insurance. If Congress passed the plan drawn up by the Democrats, either one that is, it would cover only 16 million people out of 50 million. If we are to spend $1 trillion (most likely a lot more than that, cause Congress always manages to lowball the estimates), should we not get it right so EVERYONE would be covered? To me that makes sense, if we are to invest that amount of money.

However, we cannot and should not develop a healthcare reform plan. I am in favor of one if we can pay for it, but we cannot. The Democratic majority in Congress sees it fit to spend money like drunken sailors buying banks, auto companies, and spend on pork barrel bills; leaving us in the largest fiscal hole we have ever been in. That leaves two options for the President and Congress to consider. The first one is to cut spending. Judging by how much Congress has been passing in regards to spending bills, like a $787 billion stimulus bill that has not worked at all; I highly doubt they will embrace that. Option number 2 is to raise taxes, which is political suicide. There have been talks of raising the income tax, cigarette tax, the liquor tax, or any little thing the liberals can think of. Well, I say no. Americans pay enough in income taxes as it is to pay for the current welfare state. Congress wants us to pay more because they spent it all foolishly and want to provide healthcare to other people? I think not. As much as I am not a fan of smoking, it is an individuals right to do as they see fit and I think we have taxed the poor smokers as much as possible. Finally, raising taxes on alcohol? No, no, no. Everyone enjoys a drink once in awhile and seeing how we are drowning in bad economic news, it seems to me that some people might want to drown their sorrows and not have to pay more to Nancy Pelosi. Democrats should also take note. You may have good approval ratings, but the one area where you are slipping drastically is with spending and taxes. Keep it up and you may not like what you see.

With all of this being said, the only logical choice is for Congress to do a few things. One, stop spending so much money! It is not your money, it is ours, and we don’t want it being spent on half the things you spend it on. Two, don’t you dare raise taxes because you never learned the concept of balancing a checkbook. It might be smart to institute a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution because you guys just suck at it. Three, stop proposing costly government run programs. We may need it, but we can’t afford it. It is wishful, liberal thinking. Save it for a rainy day. Five, start paying down the debt and deficit because something has got to give soon. It is a sad day in this country when we cannot afford a healthcare plan because of financial mismanagement. That is why I am forced to conclude that we can not and should not pass healthcare reform until we can properly pay for it. There is no telling when that could be.

Glenn Beck's Common Sense

I just finished reading Glenn Beck's Common Sense. WOW! It was a great read. I started tonight and finished it just a few hours later (its only a little over 100 pages). He is right on the money. The book takes shots at both major political parties and politicians who are not serving us effectively. It seemed to me that the majority of the blame he was getting at, although didn't quite say, was aimed at liberal Democrats. That should be expected given their role as the majority party though. Mr. Beck took shots at former President Bush too and many Republicans.

No matter what your political persuasion, I highly recommend this book for you. It is only about 100 pages and costs about $8.

Global Warming Not Man Made?


Apparently the EPA thinks the science behind global warming is bogus. More and more scientists are coming forward expressing doubts that global warming is man made as liberal icon Al Gore claims, along with most Democrats. They are going to be scrambling to cover up evidence denying the role of humans and discredit those who step up to challenge them. Typical

Obama to Raise Taxes?

"Ed Henry: will Obama still rule out signing any bill that raises taxes on people making under $250,000 a year?

"I think we get this question once a week," Gibbs says. "I think in many ways...what marks the difference between this health care effort and other health care efforts is exactly what the president described: a very large table with people sitting at it...We haven't drawn a lot of bright lines."

Dodge of the day -- asked, point-blank, if Obama's no-new-taxes pledge was still operative in the context of health care reform, Gibbs replies: "We're gonna let the process work its way through."

Wow, looks like we should be expecting some tax raises soon. Democrats cleared the climate bill on Friday that is paving the way for an energy tax. Healthcare reform is bound to raise some taxes under Congress' liberal agenda. What's next?

Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme Gets Him 150 years

Bernie Madoff, the matermind behind a $50 billion + ponzi scheme received 150 years in jail, or basically a life sentence. What he did was so deplorable, costing thousands of people all of their money. The kicker ishe pleaded guilty to avoid having to tell the Feds where he stashed all the money. This guy is just incredible. At least the government took all of his assets, but they did leave his wife, Ruth Madoff, a "paltry" $2.5 million. They should take that too and make her get a job. Maybe President Obama can give the Madoff's a job in government, they both have a history of ripping off innocent people.

Sotomayor's Reverse Racist Decision

Just this morning, the Supreme Court issues a ruling in the case of white firefighters, denied a promotion based on race, in New Haven, Connecticut. The court ruled in favor of the firefighters, saying they should not have been denied a promotion on race. This case is important for two reasons. The first reason is it was regarding reverse racism, which has become a hot button issue in recent years. The second reason is that President Obama’s nominee to be on the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, originally heard the case and today her ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court. Overturning a judge, especially one in line to be on the Supreme Court, is rare and will provide ammunition to Sotomayor’s critics.

Judge Sotomayor has been criticized for wanting to judge cases based on her life experiences, instead of what the law says. A good example is this case. Can someone explain to me how it is fair for a group of firefighters taking a promotion exam, passing it, but being denied the promotion because no minorities passed it? This isn’t fair and is another sickening example of a liberal policy designed to give minorities, who may not be qualified for a job, a chance to get the job over white people just because of their skin color or background. That is the definition of reverse discrimination. Being a minority should not entitle one to receive preferential treatment over others. In order to move ahead in the world, whether to get into college or to get a promotion should be based on merit. If you deserve it, you earned it. Those that don’t aren’t qualified for it and should not get it; I don’t care what your background is. I am really pleased with the Supreme Court realizing this and correcting a gross injustice, partially carried out by Judge Sotomayor.

Sotomayor has said that she will not judge cases by the letter of the law, so why on earth would she be appointed to the Supreme Court? I am sick and tired of liberal activist judges who are rewriting laws based on the Democratic Party’s ideology. It is happening all over the country. Judges are allowing more abortions, overturning the will of the people and allow gay marriage (which is a whole other issue), and are allowing minorities to get a leg up over everyone else. Judge Sotomayor, no doubt experienced the benefits of affirmative action both as a woman and as a Hispanic. No, I am not being a racist or sexist, I am explaining how she is operating. Because she is judging on her life experiences, as she said, then since she received preferential treatment, she wants that to continue. President Obama’s goal is to add someone like this to the Supreme Court to add another voice in the hopes of liberalizing the court’s rulings. I sincerely hope that does not happen, because right now the Supreme Court is the last line of defense from a liberal onslaught.

Based on Judge Sotomayor’s lack of sense in dealing with this case, coupled with her feelings on how to judge cases (refusing to follow the law), then I do not think she should be confirmed. Now I am in the minority on that and she probably will. I just hope during her hearings that responsible legislators will question her on these troubling things and inform the American people about just the kinds of people President Obama wants deciding issues of law, not based on the Constitution, but on personal biases. It is not personal against Judge Sotomayor, but she just is not the kind of Supreme Court Justice this country wants or needs. Having someone supporting reverse racism is not acceptable.